Policy History
Our Terms and Policies may vary from time to time, you can see a summary of these changes below.
June 2021
We have added the new Excellent and SSSaaS products across multiple policies.
March 2021
We have added the new Planda product across multiple policies.
January 2021
Our Privacy Policy has been updated with further information about Cookies.
We have introduced a separate Online Subscription Agreement to vary services covered by our Online Services Agreement both now and in the future, the Online Services Agreement has been adjusted to remove references to products that require a Subscription.
How this affects existing users of our products: The Online Services Agreement previously covered all products, including those that attracted a subscription. As of 1st February 2021, these subscription products will have terms as governed by the Online Subscription Agreement, which does not affect your rights or warranties granted by the Online Services Agreement. No material changes have been made as a result of this, including: payment terms, term lengths, privacy or warranties made.
December 2020
Our Preview Agreement has been updated to include additional data collected from participation.
October 2020
Our policies have been extended with clarified information surrounding GDPR, and the CCPA.
We have updated our policies to include:
- Additional information regarding the Cedita Account.
- Additional information into our Privacy Policy regarding Exercise Ninja.
February 2020
All of our Legal documentation has been updated to reflect our entity changes around the world.
How this affects existing users of our products: All of our previous documentation referred to 'Cedita Limited' as your contracting entity. This now varies depending on your location (or if a business, where your principal place of business is located) each of our subsidiaries has specific responsibilities. These are denoted within the terms where this may vary. Changes have been made so as to ensure that any VAT Treatment on invoices is as unchanged as reasonably practicable.
December 2018
We've updated our policies to add additional information regarding the Cedita Account Portal.
April 2016
We've updated the address for our businesses in the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.
August 2015
We've introduced a Managed 365 Service Terms for the users of our Office 365 management services.